Family Law

Civil Litigation The attorney at RaimoLaw LLC have many years of experience handling all manner of civil disputes. We are skilled negotiators and mediators, committed to assisting you achieve your goals. If settlement is not possible, we are capable and aggressive litigators who will take your case to court and advocate your position before judges or juries.

Family law is a practice area that encompasses the legal issues that face families such as divorce, disputes involving child custody, support, and visitation.

Attorney Gallagher has decades of experience and understands the importance of assessing and advising the client during what can be the most stressful period; Attorney Gallagher is dedicated to guiding his clients in such a difficult time.

Attorney Gallagher will work hard to cut through legal complexity and will provide thoughtful, personal guidance to empower clients make informed choices dealing with personal, family, and financial issues and then move on with their lives.

A good family lawyer possesses the skills of a litigator and negotiator coupled with the ability to listen and understand the client's needs.

Raimo & Gallagher, PC has broad, in-depth experience in family law and a true dedication to serving the client.

The attorney at RaimoLaw LLC are experienced, responsive to the needs of their clients, and successful in negotiating fair settlements or litigating to favorable judgments.

Personal injury law covers many different situations and provides the opportunity for an injured person to sue another person at fault for those injuries. Personal injury law is often also referred to as tort law and cases are handled in civil, rather than criminal court. A person may face both civil and criminal charges for the same action, but the key differences include a lesser burden of proof in civil cases and the fact that civil penalties usually take the form of money damages paid to the injured party.

If you have been injured in a car accident or in some other way injured through the fault of another, our attorney are available for free initial consultation. Our clients benefit from our extensive experience, careful preparation and evaluation of the case, and our commitment to achieving the highest possible recovery.

RaimoLaw LLC is committed to providing our clients with the highest quality of legal service. Practicing law is what we do. We put in the long hours and the hard work. We know the law and the legal system. We understand people who are experiencing a crisis and we learn everything necessary to fully understand our client's cases. We give our clients an honest, straight forward assessment of the merits of their case, evaluate the legal steps available, and endeavor to achieve the best possible result.

Ray Raimo has been practicing criminal defense since 1979. He has handled and tried thousands of misdemeanor cases in New Hampshire Courts, and thousands of felony offences ranging from drug offenses to murder.

In the area of Criminal Defense, Attorney Raimo and Attorney Gallagher represent criminal defendants in matters ranging from homicide to serious traffic violations. Trial lawyers in the New Hampshire Superior Courts, District Divisions of the New Hampshire Circuit Courts, and the New Hampshire Supreme Court, Attorney Raimo and Gallagher provide a vigorous defense for you. Whether you are being investigated for an offense, just got arrested, or just need advice about your situation, Attorney Raimo and Gallagher are champions of the rights of their clients.

Your best chance for a favorable outcome is hiring an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney. In a criminal case, it is the defense lawyer who stands between the accused and the full weight and resources of the State. The prosecutor will do everything possible to obtain a conviction; you should do everything possible to protect yourself.

If you or someone you know has been charged with a crime in New Hampshire, contact Ray Raimo or Andrew Gallagher for a free consultation.

Attorney Raimo personally handles each case to ensure that clients have the very best chance to have cases resolved in the best way possible. While each client may have different goals and different needs, each deserves and receives individual attention. In many large firms clients may conference with their principal attorney while much of the actual work is performed by less experienced paralegals or associates. That is not how Attorney Raimo will address your case.

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